Yearbooks and You
It's a tough job — recording the history of your school.
The class portraits are of radio-television personality Ryan Seacrest, Former President George W. Bush and actor Tom Cruise.
This site from Jostens Yearbooks is good.
This site from Balfour Yearbooks covers lots of good stuff, including themes and a design gallery.
This site from Walworth Yearbooks is also good.
The Creative Process This site could be a good way to get kids to think creatively. Write and think out of the box, not "the way we've always done it."
Clichés can kill good copy. This site tells us how to avoid cliches. Kids often don't know what cliches are; thus, how can they avoid them? It's a fun read.
This site (although it is for newspaper, it can still be used for yearbooks) tells how to set up a stylebook. This gives students a way of knowing what type to use, what size, what weight, etc., Thus, the headline type, the cutline type, the copy type will be consistent and students can refer to the stylebook to find answers to their questions.
This site is for LifeTouch Yearbooks.
This site is for Memory Book Company.
This site is for Entourage Yearbooks
So what could go wrong with the yearbook?
Pornographic photos
Unacceptable language